conversion charter schools :

In keeping with our mission support and help to improve the quality of public education in our city, Montgomery Education Foundation has partnered with Montgomery Public Schools in the conversion of three schools in the Lanier feeder pattern (Davis Elementary, Nixon Elementary, and Bellingrath Middle School, to new management, while maintaining access for the children and families in those communities. Our collective aim is to accelerate the improvement of the learning environment to improve outcomes for students at these schools and beyond.

our plan: New management, same families

Our Conversion Charter School plan is unlike any other charter school proposal currently in the State of Alabama. It is built upon full partnership with our local school district in the transition the management of three neighborhood schools (E.D. Nixon Elementary, Davis Elementary, and Bellingrath Middle School to a highly qualified and successful management organization. This organization remains accountable to MPS monitoring for academic and social improvements at each school. Each school will continue to serve all students in their respective neighborhood enrollment zones, while implementing new instructional strategies, proven to yield successful outcomes for their students.

MEF is partnering with Montgomery Public Schools to accelerate the learning opportunities for students at Davis Elementary, E.D. Nixon Elementary, and Bellingrath Middle School.

Copy of MBOE Handbill 3.png

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